Review your estate planning in Geelong

September 29, 2022

When it comes to estate planning in Geelong, don’t adopt the ‘done and dusted’ approach. The ‘review regularly’ method is much more sound. So, every five years or so, check over your plan closely to make sure you are still happy with it.

Perhaps things have changed since you set it up and it now needs a bit of tweaking. Maybe you’ve got married. Or divorced. Have children or grandchildren come along? Have you restructured all your business entities? All these scenarios could be reason enough for you to alter your original strategy. So, if there’s been a significant change in your personal or business life, pull out that plan and see whether updates are necessary.

At CD&G Accountants, we provide valuable assistance with estate planning. While solicitors handle wills and other legalities, we can play a key role in helping ensure your asset distribution goes smoothly and where you want it directed.

While we’re big believers in reviewing these all-important plans regularly, there’s an important step that comes first. And that’s to actually make a plan. There are plenty of people out there who haven’t thought about their financial legacy, let alone started clear and concise planning. Well, we’d urge you to take that first step – and book an appointment with CD&G Accountants to get the ball rolling.

Preserving your assets

Our accountants in Geelong have a wide experience of helping clients with detailed estate planning. We’ll help you structure your estate in the most tax-effective way possible, preserving your assets for your heirs so they don’t take a hefty tax hit.

In order to do our job successfully we need a full picture of both your assets and liabilities. So when you meet our accountants, come armed with details and paint us a clear picture. This allows us to help you build a comprehensive plan that meets your needs.

While a quality plan makes the process of passing assets from you to your heirs much smoother, it also focuses on protecting those assets. Minimising the tax burden is also front and centre, so your beneficiaries don’t find their inheritance gets eaten away unnecessarily through taxation.

For quality excellent estate planning in Geelong, you can trust CD&G Accountants for expert assistance. We’re professional, experienced and happy to help. Please contact us on (03) 5229 7191.

Elderly couple sitting on a bench in front of the beach.